Monday, September 5, 2011

Weekend in Words

We took our children for a quick weekend get-away. I took a total of TWO pictures! Seriously, what is wrong with me?

Um, I was too busy taking care of six children to take their picture. :)

Anyway, back to our weekend. It was spent in breathtaking Lancaster County, PA. I grew up in Pennsylvania, in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country, and I simply LOVE going back.

Our children were thrilled to finally get to see "Joseph" at Sight-and-Sound. It was amazing! A lovely family tradition. We've seen three of their productions now.

Noah, on the trip home today, said, "Daddy, I'm going to be like Joseph." Daddy replied, "How?" Our adorable 4 year old said then, "I'm not going to do wrong, I'm going to choose to do right!"

He got the moral of the story, don't you think?

Sunday we visited the sweet people at Charity Christian Fellowship. Charity is a "plain" church, and run much differently than the average church. The men and women sit on separate sides of the room (although visitors are welcome to sit together), the service lasts for 3 hours, there is no nursery or children's programs, no choir, no instruments, no "modern" clothing......

What there IS at Charity is a beautiful spirit of worship, in both the acapella singing and the preaching/teaching. There is hospitality like we've never known in a church---we've been there 3 times and been invited over to MULTIPLE families' homes for lunch each time. There is a simple beauty, innocence, sweetness to the faces of the children.

It was, completely, a lovely weekend. Lots of great family bonding time. Sweet memories with good friends.

We needed it.

Especially since Brent is booking his ticket tonight.

He leaves in FIVE days.

Life in the Bergey Bunch is about to change.



  1. I grew up near Lancaster too! LOVED interacting with the Amish and Mennonite through my childhood. I'd love to go back someday- so glad you guys had a great weekend there!

  2. How neat! I loved hearing how God allowed you a little get-away before your husband leaves.
    Oh, I will pray for him, and for YOU. I hope it's a very special time with your children, and JESUS.

  3. So, is he leaving tomorrow?? Wow!! Keep us posted!
    Side note...I went to school in DE and snuck off to Lancaster all the time. Its beautiful!


I welcome any and all comments as long as they are Christ-honoring. Please let me know what you think!