Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayers Requests and Praises

Gabbey and I leave early Sunday morning for China. To say the past few weeks have been busy would be a gross understatement. I am very ready for life to return to normal, i.e. NO MORE PAPERWORK lol....Nevertheless, I wouldn't trade this time for anything, as it is bringing us closer and closer to our girls.

I will be bringing home Johanna Ling on this trip, and Brent will travel this fall for little Alyssia (who still doesn't have a middle name, but who has time to pick more names? NOT me! :))

I am nervous about traveling alone (with a baby!), but not scared. Just nervous. I tend to not think very clearly when I'm severely sleep-deprived, and that's when I usually rely on Brent, who can make good  decisions even when he's tired. Thankfully, I will be in Guangzhou the whole time (except for one night in HongKong on the way home), and we spent a week in Guangzhou for Gabbey's adoption, so it will all be very familiar!

The part I'm most nervous about is the bus/train ride from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.....it's much cheaper to fly into Hong Kong, but then I have to find a bus or train to Guangzhou, then take a taxi to my hotel from the station. With all of my luggage. And an exhausted toddler. In a country where taxi drivers do NOT speak English :)  Will you pray for me to handle this part of the trip well?

Once I get to Guangzhou, I think it will be great. :) I will have a guide to help with the language barrier and I know my way around Shamian Island, so I should be good to go!

Another adoptive mom has asked to share my story on her blog. Lord willing, I will be trying to take pictures/get an update of her little one that is waiting in Johanna's orphanage. She asked me to share a bit about our family and what our needs are.....so here goes:

We are the Bergey Bunch---Brent and Selina, and our "bunch": Eliana, Nathaniel, Noah, Ethan, and Gabriella. Our Gabbey was adopted from China last December at 15 months and is thriving and blossoming now! We committed to adopting another toddler last March (just 3 months after Gabbey's adoption) and will be traveling to get our Alyssia this fall. She's 2 weeks younger than Gabbey, making 3 two year olds to love on in our home :).....

Then GOD planted one more flower in our bunch when I opened an email from an adoptive mom who was trying to find a home for an aging-out girl in Zhongshan. I knew the moment I saw her face that I wanted to be her Momma. A week of prayer later, and we committed to our Johanna Ling as well. Because she turns 14 NEXT WEEK, this adoption had to be expedited so I could get Johanna AND finalize the adoption before her birthday. God has literally done the impossible, and so many of our dear friends have played a part in Johanna's story. I'll save that for another post, though.

Contrary to what it may seem, we are not wealthy, nor did we have more than a couple hundred dollars to put towards Johanna's adoption when we said "YES" to God. But, HE owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and we have seen His hand in every little detail of this process. God does not lead where He does not provide and it has been AMAZING to sit back and watch as He has paved the path to our sweet Johanna.

We would appreciate your prayers for the following:

---That God would give me calmness and direction as I make many decisions alone, in a foreign country, over the next two weeks. I will miss my husband and his wisdom, but I know God will be with me, even in China.

---That God would prepare Johanna's heart for her Momma's love. Her entire world is about to be thrown upside-down and we are praying for her to have a sweet spirit and to truly feel, accept, and eventually return our love. We want her to rest in the knowlege that we CHOSE her, we WANT her, and we LOVE her. Unconditionally. Forever.

---That my children left here at home would have a peaceful two weeks and be ready for Momma when I return :) It's going to be hard for me to be away from Ethan especially, because he's still such a "baby".  I will miss his "nuggles"....

---That God would work in the hearts of all who will be involved in Johanna's life, and grant us wisdom as we guide her down the path to a knowlege of a Savior.

---That family, friends, and acquaintances of our family would be warm and welcoming of our "new addition". She won't be a cute, cuddly baby, but she still needs the attention, acceptance, encouragement and love that every child both needs and deserves.

---That God would continue to provide the finances we need to bring our girls home. We do not know where all of the money is going to come from, but God has and IS using so many ways to show us that He can provide. He has even used some of YOU to bless our family financially, and we are humbled by your generosity.

I will be blogging (as time allows) from China and look forward to sharing our journey with you, our dear praying friends. Thank you for your sacrifice of love, and your support for our family. We appreciate you more than you will ever know.....


  1. Again, praying and following along as you journey to Johanna!

  2. Good luck! I traveled alone last time (with our 17 year old daughter). It can be scary, but a lot of people do it.

    I've heard that the train ride is actually very smooth, except for the luggage-there is no one to load or unload it for you-and that the taxis are well marked. Plus, they speak English in Hong Kong, so that should make it easier for you.


  3. Thanks for sharing. I will be following along on your travels. I traveled alone in 2010 and brought home our dd Ivy also from Zhongshan. I flew into GUZ from HK, and had a printed out piece of paper with the Victory Hotel on it in Chinese. When I handed it to the taxi driver, he knew exactly where to go. I had no guide with me except for adoption appointments and I know no Chinese. We just worked through it and it was a fantastic trip! I wish you the best!

  4. Selina, my friend Kathy (in China now also) sent me your blog address. Our testimony is much like yours. Not wealthy, not a big home, not a big car..but we serve a MIGHTY BIG God! We have 7 children from China, and never had any $ set aside to bring them home. Our now 15 year old son is also from Nanjing SWI - he came home 20 months ago! We went back to Nanjing this May for 2 more Treasures. If you ever need someone to pray or chat with about teen adoption, feel free to contact me. Blessings to you!


I welcome any and all comments as long as they are Christ-honoring. Please let me know what you think!