It's been WAY too long since I've done a plain old regular update on our family. I will use the common excuse--life has been crazy-busy--and it is, in fact, true. :) I really really desire to write so much more than I actually do. But then I get behind, and instead of just posting in short little bursts, I just stop altogether for awhile. I appreciate the emails and messages when I've been absent for a time!
I'm including a bunch of more recent pictures in today's post, just for fun. :)
--At the Zoo! |
--Seven at the zoo |
We have been in full-time ministry for six months now. We sold EVERYTHING in our home and moved into a 35 foot travel trailer.
Yes, that means all
nine of us are in a very tiny space, all of the time. :)
Maybe the next post will show how we live now. I have grown to
love our life in the trailer! The adjustment hasn't always been
easy but God has been so so faithful to give me the strength to face such a huge change. He is good!
--Brent and Alyssia |
Our 15 passenger van has seen over 25,000 new miles since June. Every week we present our ministry (
Little Fish Ministries) to new churches. Our hearts are in South Africa
now but we know this time is vital to raise prayer and financial support.
Please pray that we can raise our support quickly and that we will have many partners for our South African orphan ministry!
---A picture of the three of us for Alyssia's yearly report to China |
The children have adjusted well to our lifestyle change. Johanna struggled at first (which we expected) but she has settled in nicely now. I know I've posted a bit about the huge challenges we faced at the beginning of Johanna's journey. I will be honest and say that it was
very hard at times. We stuck to what we know to be true----that God would give us strength and wisdom to parent this child He had so clearly called us to----and I am so happy to share that things are MUCH better now. The skills we have learned as we have followed the Lord down this
unknown path have better equipped us for future ministry.
---Johanna (16) :) |
EVERY child is a treasure and deserves to be loved and nurtured.
--From preemie to "big girl", Gabriella |
Our tiniest treasure is finally growing! Gabbey is over 25 lbs now. She has turned into quite the little social butterfly, too. :)
---Eliana, 11, going on 16 :) She has grown many inches this year! |
My Ellie is growing into a lovely young lady. It makes me happy and sad all at the same time. I'm thankful for the blessing of older daughters to share in the joys (and work! lol) of our family
---Fun at Daddy's expense :) |
---Say CHEESE! (See how tall Eliana is now?) |
--Ellie and her sweet friend, Emily |
--Noah, 6 |
Noah. Sweet little middle child. He is such a cuddlebug. I love watching him learn to enjoy school. He is in the tooth-losing-stage and always seems to have a tooth
coming or going.
---Nathaniel, 9, my young man
Nathaniel was such a busy, curious toddler/preschooler. He and Ethan are my energizer boys. :) If there is something to climb, hit, tackle, or cross, they are GOING to do it. No fear. I love the way Nathaniel is maturing into a little young man. He LOVES LOVES babies and is incredibly gentle and good with them. This past few months, Nathaniel has discovered the world of BOOKS and is loving reading every day.
---Ethan is FOUR now! |
---Gabbey and Lyssie are both FOUR now, too! |
---Birthday books from cousin Ruy! |
---Chinese baby dolls from Nana and Grandad for their birthday (my parents) |
---Not babies anymore! My "big" girls. |
My "babies" are all four now. :) This
should mean more "free time" for Mama, but with our ministry change and life-on-the-road, all of that "extra"?? time seems to be accounted for. There are no more diaper bags or strollers (for now anyway) and we are enjoying the sweet blending of our adopted/biological family. If you remember, we adopted all three girls in just 9 months and that change took a little adjusting time. Now it feels as if we were all
always together and we are embracing the new opportunities the Lord is bringing our way.
Remember, I blog over at
Little Fish Ministries, too, as time allows. I'd love for you to follow me over there!
Thank you for your patience with my
infrequent blog posts. If
heart's intent were allowed, I'd have thousands of posts by now.
They're just all written in my head for now. :)
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