
Monday, October 10, 2011

We're making progress!!

I think we've turned the corner, ya'll.

After lots of this:

and alot of prayer, tears, and plain hard work.......

Our sweet, beautiful girl was completely relaxed around me today! Praising the LORD with my whole heart tonight for the hope He has given me!

We had missions conference at church last week, and Brent wanted me to stay home on Thursday with Lyssie. It was our first time being alone, and I think it did wonders for starting our relationship.

I snuggled, held and played with her all evening. It was so sweet for me to have that time with just HER. I was able to put her to bed--with minimal crying---for the first time, since she usually wants only Daddy.

Friday was a pretty good day, and Saturday and Sunday were good as well......

This was taken when she was only home a few days. You can see how empty her eyes looked at first :(

BUT!!!! Today, oh-sweet-today! Alyssia didn't cry when Daddy left, she put her arms up to me to be held, she let me snuggle her sweet little body, she came to me several times to show me an "owie", she smiled AT ME, and giggled when I played "This Little Piggy", she rolled a ball back and forth with me, AND she even let me tuck her in for "night-night"!!!!

If you're a biological Mommy reading this, you might not see the big deal. Our bio kiddos learn attachment from us when they're still teeny-tiny babies. It just comes easy for them AND us.

But it's SO important to bond with and attach to our adopted children (and them to us!), and, quite honestly, it takes HARD WORK. It doesn't just "happen" because they're placed in our home. It's a result of planned, purposeful, repeated effort on our behalf.

So when I saw the first glimmer of attachment beginning with my little one today, I rejoiced. A few days ago I couldn't even touch her without her crying! She shut me out to protect her little heart, and I can only imagine how hard this all has been on her.

It's just the beginning, but I've been down this road before, and it's SO worth the journey!

There's still ALOT of work ahead of us, but we've started down the road to love, and I'm not looking back again.


  1. Praise the Lord! How wonderful this is for you both! Praying for continued progress in precious Lyssie's little heart! :)

  2. So happy for you! I know this is such a huge relief for you!!! Love this!!!


  3. Praising God for answered prayers!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!

  4. I love watching from afar how each child transforms once home. It amazes me each time I see these children overcome to begin to trust and love their new parents. God is so good to heal these little lives and restore to them what was lost so many years ago.

    I am happy that your little Lyssie is opening up to you. Praise God for answered prayers and healing hearts!

  5. So great, yay!! As an adoptive mom of an older girl about to adopt a younger one, I'd love to know how this is working for Johanna? My girl is already madly jealous and feels 'set aside', and little sis is not here yet!! :-(

  6. I have been praying from afar!! Praises for such heartfelt progress...!!

  7. I am praising God for this forward progress! Truly opening up that was! I will continue to pray that her heart will accept you fully as Mommy, dear sweetie!!

  8. So encouraged by this sweet post. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

  9. What wonderful news! The bonding is important and it is tottlly different from the bond with your bio kids. Ashlyn has been home almost two years and I still love the moments when I see her let her guard down even more. God is good all of the time.


I welcome any and all comments as long as they are Christ-honoring. Please let me know what you think!